Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clementi Railway Tracks

Taking a short break from work... Decide to upload some of my recent photos from the start of this year.

Tangshooters outing to the Clementi Railway Tracks. Great to see this kinda old railway tracks in the midst of the high rise in Singapore. Always wanted to go this kinda abandoned architecture forgotten by people.

Juz gives u the feel back in time right? It does for me... Nowadays people r so bz that they forgot what is happening around them. There is actually a lot more than just work. The next one gives me the feel of homecoming... What do you all feel?

This is one of my favorite... I call it 'Alone & Withering'

Well... companionship is always desired. When some are alone, there's always companionship for some.

Unity is strength. Plants stand tall becoz they r reaching out for the light. They depend on one another for survival, supporting each other along the way.

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