Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Its Singapore 43rd birthday. I am not exactly a loyal fan of NDPs and not really that enthu about celebrating my nation's birthday. However I am glad that I am a Singaporean. Foodwise, no complains. Security wise, safe and sound. Work wise, kill me man... work life balance is hard to do in Singapore.

A picture to share. Taken last week and photoshopped to give a aged feel. One layer to increase contrast between the greens and the buildings, another layer for lomo processing, another layer for burning some of the buildings to give a more dilipidated feel. Finally applied film grain to bring out the feel that it has been taken sometime back. Well this may just be how Singapore looks 50 years later.

Singapore - My Homeland

1 comment:

- Nick Lee - said...

fwah bro ur photoshop is damn zai..

i ish noob at photoshop =/
